It started with a mind map
I just wanted to document names and relationships, starting with my grandparents and moving forward to the current generation.
and Facebook messaging
with a distant cousin
We rarely connected. We were mostly Facebook “Friends” because we shared the family name. But we started to share information. I shared the tree and she offered enhancements. We got addicted. We truly connected. We started exchanging notes all the time.
I looked around for a place to put the tree for other family members
Common genealogy sites are big corporate businesses – and they have similar subscription fees. There are lots of comments all over the internet about how people love and hate these services. I just wanted something simple.
Here we are
There’s not much else
We’ll try to keep it interesting with some new features and options, but the whole point here is to keep it simple. If you wanted complex you’d be on one of those other big sites now. So we’re offering a little less, or at least the option to leave features off until you want to try them. And we think that’s sometimes a better option than razzle and dazzle.
Of course, your satisfaction is our top priority. We’ll have surveys and Q&A and other ways to listen to your feedback so that we can keep improving this into a place that all of us continue to love.
Maybe we should have called it FamilyTreeLite?
We really hope you stick around with us.
Be a part of our family.
Let’s see how this develops.